Ebrahim Pichka

MSc Student at University of Windsor


I’m currently a MSc. Student and Research Assistant in the Industrial Engineering Department at University of Windsor under the supervision of Dr. Guoqing Zhang.

My research interests primarily cover a broad range of topics in machine learning and optimization in both applied and theoretical sense. To mention a few:

  • Graph representation learning, and deep learning on graphs.
  • Deep reinforcement learning and sequential decision-making.
  • Combinatorial optimization and operations research.
  • Learning to optimize & Decision-focused learning.

Moreover, I always have an eye for advances and research in fundamental areas of AI such as novel deep learnig optimization techniques, learning methods and dynamics, meta-learning and multi-task learning.

"If you tell me precisely what it is a machine cannot do, then I can always make a machine which will do just that." ~ John von Neumann.


Oct 31, 2023 I started maintaining the Awesome Optimization Repository. Any contributions are welcome.

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